We will seek understanding and resolution to any differences that might keep us from being united in our service to the LORD.
We will seek to recognize our roles in the Church and to collaborate with other congregations in the body of Christ to broaden our ability to minister throughout the world.
We will create a loving environment which affords the opportunity for us to teach, witness and counsel in ways that bring us all closer to Christ and add fullness to our lives.
We will approach the unapproachable, touch the untouchable and love the unlovable, meeting them where they are and helping them to move to where they need to be.
We will be good stewards of our finances, facilities and natural resources for they are blessings from God. We will not be wasteful and destructive but willing to share in the relief of people in need and to invest in the spreading of the gospel.
We will persistently study to learn God’s word so that the revelation of His Kingdom is affirmed in our lives and so that we may be obedient to His will.
We will stand on God’s Word and speak out against injustice.